Friday, September 28, 2012

Favourite quotes from "Trail of Feathers: In Search of the Birdmen of Peru" by Tahir Shah

"By making subtle changes, the old ways collapse, like a house of cards." 
(Talking about how the people of the Shuar tribe in the Amazon region of Peru are losing their culture and medicinal plant knowledge due to the influence of outsiders - notably evangelists).

"Plotkin (in Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice) says that of the world's 250,000 or so plant species, only about 5000 have been screened in the laboratory to determine their therapeutic potential. There are, he says, 120 plant-based prescription drugs currently on the market. They are derived from only 95 species."

Another great book from the most original of travelers. Shah goes deep into the Amazonian jungle in search of the head-shrinking Shuar tribe who - legend has it - are able to fly like birds over the jungle. Another brilliant epic voyage full of fascinating information, bizarre situations and amazing characters. 

Trail of Feathers: In Search of the Birdmen of Peru

Have also started on "Timbuctoo" - Shah's first novel (it takes places during the Regency period and is based on the true story of an American who was taken slave after a shipwreck on the coast of Africa and ended up in the legendary city of Timbuctoo). Good read so far.