Thursday, November 8, 2012


This morning arriving at work I saw a Chinese guy doing the old Jean-Claude Van Damme deal on one of the pillars in the passageway which leads into the site. Hitting the pillar with his bare hands. No thin wooden spar this either, we're talking solid concrete. I wonder how long it would take to wear it down and break the pillar? And then how many pillars would you have to break before the roof fell in? Samson would have the place down in a jiffy. This passageway seems to attract a lot of eccentrics - guys juggling balls (narrow passageway with a low roof, ideal place to juggle, but the guy was getting round this by bouncing them off the ground) or girls' dance groups (I think they make use of a big mirror at one end of the passageway). Then there's the rest of use, just trudging in to work.

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