10 Year Text by Tia Singh
Speak what you think now in hard words, and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Imagine your future self, ie, you 10 years from now. If he/she were to send you a tweet or text message, 1) what would it say and 2) how would that transform your life or change something you’re doing, thinking, believing or saying today?
(Author: Tia Singh)
10 Year Text by Andrew Cairns
By my calculation this is the final prompt in the series, and unfortunately like many of the prompts it is totally lacking in inspiration or originality (very similar to part 8 for example : http://my-self-reliance.blogspot.com/2011/06/trust30-online-initiative-30-day_07.html).
My future self could send me a tweet listing a few bets to place or investments to make, allowing me to rake in amazing riches. He could also say what the future trends are going to be, allowing me to create startups in all the future winning ideas or sectors and reap the benefits.
Perhaps my future self, though would not wish me to make material gains from any precise knowledge of the future, but benefit more mentally, spiritually and emotionally from his hopefully increased wisdom and understanding of the universe, of the soul. He would more likely send me a list of books to read, of people to contact, of places to go, deeds / exercises / meditations / prayers to perform and also what to let go of or avoid.
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